FMC Kids
We are FMC Kids
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."
The youngest generations of our church are encountering Jesus in many ways, from Sunday School classes, to worship involvement, we are dedicated to raising up our brothers and sisters in the faith.
Our main children's event is Jireh Disciples Sunday School class meets at 9:45am on Sundays in the basement. Our Nursery is open for infants through Pre-K on Sundays beginning at 9:30am.
Our Nursery is open from 9:30am - 12:00pm on Sundays for worship, and also for choir practice and special services.
Infants through Kindergarten are welcome in our nursery!
Jireh Disciples
Sunday School Class
Our kids Sunday School class is a great place for your kids to learn about God! Come share in a Bible-centered and Kid-oriented lesson on Sunday Mornings at 9:45a.m.
Kindergarten through 5th Grade