Five-Day Bible Reading Plan and Devotional
Sermon Audio
"Your Hurts Can't Have You When Your Savior Does"
Day 1: The Power of Jesus' Presence
Reading: Mark 5:24-34
Devotional: Today's passage reminds us of the transformative power of Jesus' presence. Just as the woman with the issue of blood was healed by touching Jesus' cloak, we too can experience healing and restoration through faith in Christ. Reflect on areas in your life where you need Jesus' touch. Remember, the power is not in religious rituals or objects, but in Jesus himself. How can you reach out to Jesus today, believing that His power can change your situation?
Day 2: From Behind to Before
Reading: Luke 8:43-48
Devotional: The woman in our story moved from secretly touching Jesus' garment to openly falling at His feet. This progression symbolizes our journey of faith - from hesitant belief to bold proclamation. Consider your own faith journey. Are there areas where you're still hiding, afraid to fully come before Jesus? Remember, He seeks us out, desiring for us to be in His presence. Today, challenge yourself to be more open with Jesus about your struggles and fears.
Day 3: Freed from Suffering
Reading: Isaiah 53:4-5, 1 Peter 2:24
Devotional: Jesus not only heals physical ailments but also frees us from the bondage of suffering. Our readings today emphasize that through Christ's sacrifice, we can find healing for our souls. Reflect on the areas of your life where you feel captive to suffering - whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Bring these before the Lord, remembering that your hurts cannot have you when your Savior does. How can you live today in the freedom Christ offers?
Day 4: The Whole Truth
Reading: Psalm 139:1-18
Devotional: The woman in Mark's account told Jesus "the whole truth" about her condition. Today's Psalm reminds us that God already knows everything about us, yet still loves us completely. This invites us to be fully honest with God about our struggles, hopes, and fears. Take time today to tell God "the whole truth" about something you've been holding back. Trust in His unfailing love and acceptance as you open your heart to Him.
Day 5: Faith that Heals
Reading: Hebrews 11:1-6
Devotional: Jesus told the woman, "Your faith has healed you." Our reading today explores the nature of faith - believing in what we cannot see. Reflect on your own faith journey. Are there areas where your faith feels weak? Remember, even faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Ask God to strengthen your faith today, and look for opportunities to step out in trust, knowing that Jesus' power is available to you through faith.